LINC Center

38 Memorial Drive
Augusta, ME 04330
On the corner of Gage Street and Memorial bridge. (The big white building with 4 pillars)
We are open Monday through Friday 9am-5pm

“No need to sign up for anything, just walk through the doors . . .”
LINC is a grassroots movement that focuses on personal wholeness.
It is a place for people, 18 and older, who live with mental health, substance misuse and/ or any life challenges to become empowered, make contributions, be creative and learn to be the healthiest version of themselves.
Our intention is to offer a welcoming space! No referral, no need to sign up for anything- just walk through the doors, you’ll be greeted with a smile, and hot cup of coffee.
Our supports include:
- Intentional Peer Support
- Recovery Coaching
- Connection to community resources
- Evidence based 12 step groups (AA Tuesdays 10am, NA Thursdays 10am and Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) Tuesdays 2pm see zoom link below for these groups),
- Weekly arts (writing, music, visual art)
- Group experiences
- Information about our local and state’s political process and opportunity for self-advocacy in government
- Collaboration with Disability Rights Maine
- Maine General Harm Reduction department
- OPTIONS Liaison (Overdose Prevention Through Intensive Outreach, Naloxone and Safety)
- Maine Family Planning and many more.
While LINC has several paid staff, we also utilize the tremendous skills, knowledge, and resource of our community members to accomplish our goals. We believe we can make meaningful changes in our lives to aid in our journey for living well. Together as a community, we choose our Centers path and direction. We invite you to visit and contribute to a community that is building a brighter tomorrow, buy building a community of hope and healing today.
All peer center staff are, or working toward becoming Certified Intentional Peer Support Specialists. The Intentional Peer Support model is about conversation. It’s about how we know, how we create new “knowing” through dialogue, and about how we as human beings interrelate by beginning to practice the art of connection – with ourselves, the people in our lives, and the people we may think we have nothing in common with. Click here to learn more about this certification
Crisis and Counseling Options:
Consumer Council System of Maine:
Non Violent Communication/Open Communication
Hearing Voices Network
Recovery Coach:
Disability Rights Maine:
Maine Family Planning:
Maine General Harm Reduction:
The Intentional Warm Line 1-866-771-9276 is available toll-free from anywhere in Maine, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is a mental health peer-to-peer phone support line for adults, aged 18 and older, offering mutual conversations with a trained peer specialist who has life experience with mental health recovery. The focus is to encourage and foster recovery, moving toward wellness and reconnecting with community.
For more information, please reach out to:
Bobby-Jo Bechard, LINC Center Program Manager 207-622-5736