Motivational Services is dedicated to assisting individuals who have severe and prolonged mental illness and related disabilities improve their quality of life within the community.
Improvements in a person’s quality of life is the overarching goal of services offered by MOCO. The agency’s programs and activities provide both psychosocial rehabilitation and basic needs supports. More specifically, the agency provides programs designed to assist people who need:
- a satisfying place to live
- meaningful daily activities
- work or educational opportunities
- a helpful social network of family and friends
- recreational opportunities
- healthcare including dental and mental health care
- opportunities for improving their spiritual life
- legal services
We offer programs, options and alternatives that are designed to meet the needs of people with severe and persistent mental illness in our community. We strive to provide and shape services that are flexible, accommodating and complement other mental health, rehabilitation and social services available in our service area.
- We believe that individual dignity, integrity and respect are of paramount importance in every agency activity.
- We value and employ “best practices” and professional standards to assist residents in choosing and using the most helpful services.
- Our practices support each person in maintaining his/her freedom and self-determination to the most feasible degree.
- We value and support our employees, and demonstrate in our relationships the same values central to the services offered to our residents.
- We strive to promote “adaptive risk taking” by our residents. This includes both encouragement of individual initiative and discouragement of compulsive and extreme risks. More specifically, we strive to eliminate harm or threat of financial loss to our residents, employees, the agency and its directors. On an individual basis, we assist residents in evaluating the safety of their choices, taking in to consideration environmental factors as well as a person’s skills and supports.
- We continuously and actively invest in practices and trainings that foster organizational innovation, accountability, quality improvement and increased effectiveness.
- We strive to complement similar human service programs and to support the development of integrated community services.